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I'm Back...

It's been a while since I've posted...over four years actually.

But I have been writing.

If you go to my website, you'll see there are four horses in the stable as my publisher alludes to literary works. And after this fall marketing season ends, (because when you publish, you gotta get out there and sell), "Tanner II" begins the process of becoming part of the herd.

Writing takes a lot of discipline though. Creativity just doesn't happen. And meeting a consistent deadline is a necessity.

And what better way to get back in the saddle than reaching out to my readers weekly...reviewing other literary works, discussing the writing process, and sharing random passages and photographs.

I also welcome contributions by you. Of course, I will screen for acceptable and truthful content. And let's keep it to around 350 words...much more than that, and readers turn the page.

As always, thanks for reading.

Because to be a writer, one must be read.

See you next Thursday.

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